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Discipleship Training to Reach the World for Christ



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Group BEE World
Ministry Description Discipleship training for a way of life.

Course Catalog

Course Name Publisher Language Course Description
True Spirituality: A Study of 1 Corinthians BEE World English The Corinthian church was in need of Paul's counsel. Members of the church were divided on doctrinal issues, and behaved immorally. Paul encourages the church to let love and godliness have first place in the congregation. This course will study Paul's advice for the Corinthians and discuss how these truths can apply to the church today.
Colossians BEE World English This course will study how to live according to the gospel and how to avoid doctrines and practices that are contrary to the gospel. These 12 lessons will focus on developing spiritual maturity, as Paul describes it in his letter to the Colossians.
ديناميكيات الكنيسة BEE World Arabic استنادا على "Sharpening the Focus of the Church" للكاتب جين غيتز، سيقودك هذا المساق في 12 درساً خلال مبادئ العهد الجديد لإنماء كنيسة حيّة وقوية.
教会活力 BEE World Chinese 我们对教会的理念非常重要。这种理念不仅 我们气馁的时候给我们希望,也会在个人 工上 引导我们,尤其是我们在教会中担任 个领袖职责时,这种理念也会引导我们。
Church Dynamics BEE World English Based upon Sharpening the Focus of the Church by Gene Getz, this couse will lead you through the New Testament principles for growing a dynamic and healthy church in 12 lessons.
Những Động Lực Của Hội Thánh BEE World Vietnamese
الحياة المسيحية BEE World Arabic يهدف مساق الحياة المسيحية الى مساعدتك في النمو في علاقتك مع المسيح واعدادك الى مساعدة الآخرين في النمو في تلك العلاقة
基督徒的生活 BEE World Chinese 基督徒的生活是在日复一日中活出来的与基 不断发展的关系。当然,我们说基督徒的 活不复杂并不意味着它很容易的;事实上它 并不容易。它确实 涉及到行为准则和教义的问题,但其核心是 主耶稣基督的关系,这种关系是与日俱增 爱的关系,它对基督徒的生活的各个方面都 产生影响。作为一名基督徒,神在你身上的 标就是使这一关系更深。而这一课程就是 旨在帮助你实现 这一目标。
The Christian Life BEE World English The course is intended to help you grow in your relationship to Christ and to equip you to help others grow in that relationship. People will be at different levels of maturity in their relationship with the Lord when they begin this course. Likewise, they will differ from one another in maturity when they finish the course. But no matter where you are in your journey as a Christian, taking this course should help you deepen your relationship with Christ.
The Christian Life, Abridged Edition BEE World English This course covers key topics in the life of a Christian.
La vie chrétienne, édition abrégée BEE World French Dans ce cours, vous étudierez la croissance spirituelle. Vous examinerez ce qu’elle est et comment vous pouvez en bénéficier. Les leçons abordent ce dont vous avez besoin pour progresser dans votre vie spirituelle.
Doctrine 1 BEE World English These 12 lessons are the first half of a 24-lesson course that surveys the major doctrines of the Christian faith. Based on Basic Theology by Charles C. Ryrie, Doctrine 1 covers the doctrines of God, the Bible, angels, demons, Satan, creation, and man and sin.
Thần Học 1 BEE World Vietnamese Mười hai bài học này là phần đầu giáo trình gồm 24 bài nghiên cứu các giáo lý chính của đức tin Cơ đốc. Thần Học 1 luận các giáolý về Ðức Chúa Trời, Kinh Thánh, thiên sứ, ma quỷ, Satan, sự sáng thế, con người và tội lỗi. Sách giáo khoa của bạn là Thần học Căn Bản, của Charles C. Ryrie.
مسح العقيدة 2 BEE World Arabic ينهي هذا المساق سلسلة الدروس الـ24 في دراسة العقيدة الكتابية. نقوم بهذا المساق بمسح للتعاليم الكتابية الرئيسية المتعلقة بشخص واعمال يسوع المسيح، بخلاص وضمان الحياة الابدية للمؤمن، خدمة وعمل الله الروح القدس، الدراسة الكتابية لماهية الكنيسة وبدراسة الامور النهائية والمستقبلية.
Doctrine 2 BEE World English This course concludes the 24-lesson study on biblical doctrine. Doctrine 2 surveys the major teachings of the Bible concerning the person and work of Jesus Christ, the salvation and security of the believer, the ministry of God the Holy Spirit, the biblical study of the church, and a study of the end times and future.
Khảo Cứu Giáo Lý Kinh Thánh, Phần Hai BEE World Vietnamese
Discipleship 101 BEE World English This course aims to encourage every Christian to disciple and step out in faith. Study these 10 lessons to understand discipleship (in context), the God who calls you to it, and the pattern that achieves discipleship goals.
Church Dynamics, Abridged Edition BEE World English Christ desired for His church to be strong (Mt 16:18). This course is designed for church leaders seeking to lead in a way that encourages growth and maturity. The lessons and activities will aid pastors in evaluating their leadership and their churches, as well as help them prepare a biblical philosophy of ministry that will meet the needs of their church.
La dynamique de l'église, édition abrégée BEE World French Dieu a suscité des responsables pour superviser la croissance de son Église universelle. Vous êtes l’un de ces responsables, un collaborateur avec Christ dans l’édification de son Église. Ce cours a été rédigé pour vous aider, et il a deux buts principaux : Vous aider à faire l’évaluation de vos responsabilités et de vos Églises. Vous aider à préparer une philosophie biblique du ministère qui répondra aux besoins de votre Église.
The Epistle to the Hebrews BEE World English What is the role of Christ as our King-Priest today? In this course on the majestic epistle to the ‎Hebrews, you will see that Jesus did not come to His kingly throne without preparation. Jesus ‎‎“learned obedience through the things he suffered” and was “perfected” for His roles as Priest ‎and King (Heb 5:8-9) so that now He is “crowned with glory and honor” (Heb 2:9). ‎
Christian Family BEE World English This course is written by parents, for parents, and to parents. The aim of Christian Family is equip parents to model godliness to their children and to encourage their children to one day become godly adults.‎ We ‎believe that applying the biblical principles in this course can increase ‎the chances that your prayers for godly children who want to serve the Lord will come to fruition.‎
إعداد المرشد BEE World Arabic إعداد وتدريب الطلبة على اسلوب مؤسسة BEE World في الإرشاد.
如何成为一名辅导员 BEE World Chinese 这将使学生们能够练习、理解、并运用教材 内容。因为这门课程的设计旨在装备学生 为他们自己小组的辅导员,学生们在辅导随 后的课程时应当经常复习到这门课程的内容 也应该在他们的小组学习中经常使用这门 程作参考。
Becoming a Facilitator BEE World English This course consists of 12 lessons that will equip students to become IBS facilitators. The material serves as a facilitator handbook.
Trở Thành Người Hướng Dẫn BEE World Vietnamese
Galatians, Second Edition BEE World English NOTE: This Second Edition is now the preferred version for studying Galatians. It is basically same as the original "Galatians". The only difference is that topical articles are no longer included in the Second Edition of the course. In this course, you will study Paul's life and his epistle to the Galatians, which was likely one of the first he wrote. Through the context of Paul's missionary work, we see how the gospel became mixed with legalism and Paul's fight for the purity of the gospel. Paul's behavior provides an important example for all to follow.
غلاطية BEE World Arabic ستدرس في هذا المساق رسالة بولس إلى غلاطية. وستلقي نظرة على الخلفيات التاريخية وتتفحص المسائل اللاهوتية الحيوية التي أشغلت الكنيسة الأولى والتي تعامل معها الرسول بولس. وستصبح أكثر اطِّلاعاً على حياة بولس وطبيعته الأخلاقية وخدمته. وستكتسب فهماً متبصراً جديداً للحياة والخدمة المسيحية لدى تطبيقك تعليم هذه الرسالة على الأوضاع المعاصرة.
加拉太书 BEE World Chinese 在本课程中,你将学习保罗写给加拉太基督 书信,关注相关的历史背景并查考在早期 会时期保罗所处理的一些重大神学问题。通 过学习,你将会更好地了解使徒保罗的生活 品格及其服侍。当你将书信中的教导应用 现实生活中时,你会对基督徒的生活及基督 徒的服侍产生新的领悟。‎
加拉太書 BEE World Chinese - Traditional Pilot course.
Galatians, Abridged Edition BEE World English This is an abridged study of Paul's letter to the Galatians. This course will look at Paul's life and ministry and his insights into the Christian life in the epistle.
Galates, édition abrégée BEE World French Dans ce cours, vous étudierez la lettre de Paul aux Galates. Vous jetterez un coup d’oeil sur son arrière-plan et son contexte, et vous examinerez les questions théologiques essentielles que l’apôtre aborde dans cet écrit.
Romans & Galatians, Second Edition BEE World English Romans & Galatians, Second Edition is a revision of the original Romans & Galatians based on these two Pauline epistles. This course will explore the historical backgrounds of each epistle and the vital theological issues in the early church. Through this course, you will gain new insights into Christian life and service as you apply the teaching of faith and grace as discussed in Paul’s epistles to the believers in Galatia and Rome.
Communicating God's Word, Abridged Edition BEE World English “Preach the Word!” With that charge to his young disciple Timothy (2 Tim 4:2), the apostle Paul capped his lifelong ministry of training leaders for the church. In response to that charge, the church throughout its history has been characterized by people who are zealous to communicate God’s message. By beginning this study, you are indicating your desire to obey the apostle’s charge and take an active part in the communication of God’s Word.
Communiquer la Parole de Dieu, édition abrégée BEE World French Au fil des pages de ce cours, vous allez participer à l'une des tâches les plus gratifiantes mais ardues de la vie chrétienne : communiquer les vérités de la Parole de Dieu. « Prêche la Parole ! » Avec cette instruction à son jeune disciple Timothée (2 Timothée 4.2), l'apôtre Paul résume le ministère de toute sa vie : la formation des leaders pour l'Église.
The Incredible Journey BEE World English You are about to take... "an incredible journey!" This is a very basic survey of the entire bible in 12 lessons. Full of maps, photos, and summaries of each book, this will ground you in the wonderful story of God's revelation to mankind.
Life of Christ 2 BEE World English This is the second half of the Life of Christ course.
Life of Christ, Volume 2, Second Edition BEE World English This course continues where "Life of Christ, Volume 1" left off in following Jesus' life on earth. This journey ultimately would culminate in His crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. In this course, you will study His final year of life, in which He devoted His time almost exclusively to the training of the Twelve. He told many of His most famous parables while on this final journey to glory.
Life of Christ 1 BEE World English This course chronologically surveys the Life of Christ and develops the major themes and strategy of time on earth. This is part one of two courses that chronicle Christ's life.
Marriage: Where God Builds Two Hearts a Home BEE World English Marriage is the most significant voluntary relationship that two people can enter. It has great potential for happiness but also for pain and disappointment. So a study of marriage is worth your time. But where can you find good teaching about marriage? Every culture around the world has all kinds of advice--good and bad--about how to choose a spouse and how to live contentedly in marriage. But no culture has universally happy couples. Therefore, we chose to base this course on the Bible--a universal source given by the Creator of mankind and the Author of marriage.
إعداد القادة 1 BEE World Arabic
装备®:笔记一 BEE World Chinese 装备这门课包含我们相信是永恒和普遍的圣 原则。这些笔记本是基督徒领导力的基础 每一本笔记都讲到一些关于领导力的关键方 面。每一个基督徒带领者若要有效地带领, 这些方面必须知道并能够应用的。这是这 个课程系列中的第一本笔记。
EQUIP® : Notebook 1 BEE World English The EQUIP® international curriculum consists of Biblical principles that we believe are timeless and universal. In each notebook, there are six lessons devoted to three areas that are crucial to leadership development: 1) Spiritual Formation: Integrity, Ethics, Humility, Motives, Core Values 2) Skill Formation: Developing People, Communication, Team Building, Problem Solving 3) Strategic Formation: Effective Planning, Priorities, Vision Notebook 1 Lessons God's Call to Lead The Heart of a Leader I Have a Dream Priorities and Decision Making Cultivating People Skills Strategic Planning
اکوئیپ (Equip®):کتابچه 1 BEE World Farsi The EQUIP® international curriculum consists of Biblical principles that we believe are timeless and universal. In each notebook, there are six lessons devoted to three areas that are crucial to leadership development: 1) Spiritual Formation: Integrity, Ethics, Humility, Motives, Core Values 2) Skill Formation: Developing People, Communication, Team Building, Problem Solving 3) Strategic Formation: Effective Planning, Priorities, Vision Notebook 1 Lessons God's Call to Lead The Heart of a Leader I Have a Dream Priorities and Decision Making Cultivating People Skills Strategic Planning
إعداد القادة 2 BEE World Arabic
装备®:笔记二 BEE World Chinese 装备这门课包含我们相信是永恒和普遍的圣 原则。这些笔记本是基督徒领导力的基础 每一本笔记都讲到一些关于领导力的关键方 面。每一个基督徒带领者若要有效地带领, 这些方面必须知道并能够应用的。这是这 个课程系列中的第二本笔记。
EQUIP® : Notebook 2 BEE World English The EQUIP® international curriculum consists of Biblical principles that we believe are timeless and universal. In each notebook, there are six lessons devoted to three areas that are crucial to leadership development: 1) Spiritual Formation: Integrity, Ethics, Humility, Motives, Core Values 2) Skill Formation: Developing People, Communication, Team Building, Problem Solving 3) Strategic Formation: Effective Planning, Priorities, Vision Notebook 2 Lessons The Leadership Test Security or Sabotage Delegating Tasks and Developing People Teamwork Makes the Dream Work The Wisest Investment You'll Ever Make Measuring Your Leadership Growth
إعداد القادة 3 BEE World Arabic
装备®:笔记三 BEE World Chinese 装备这门课包含我们相信是永恒和普遍的圣 原则。这些笔记本是基督徒领导力的基础 每一本笔记都讲到一些关于领导力的关键方 面。每一个基督徒带领者若要有效地带领, 这些方面必须知道并能够应用的。这是这 个课程系列中的第三本笔记。
EQUIP® : Notebook 3 BEE World English The EQUIP® international curriculum consists of Biblical principles that we believe are timeless and universal. In each notebook, there are six lessons devoted to three areas that are crucial to leadership development: 1) Spiritual Formation: Integrity, Ethics, Humility, Motives, Core Values 2) Skill Formation: Developing People, Communication, Team Building, Problem Solving 3) Strategic Formation: Effective Planning, Priorities, Vision Notebook 3 Lessons Leadership Begins with Attitude The Leader's Inner Circle Christ the Great Communicator Leading When Times are Tough The Five Levels of Leadership The Art of the Basin and Towel
إعداد القادة 4 BEE World Arabic
装备®:笔记四 BEE World Chinese 装备这门课包含我们相信是永恒和普遍的圣 原则。这些笔记本是基督徒领导力的基础 每一本笔记都讲到一些关于领导力的关键方 面。每一个基督徒带领者若要有效地带领, 这些方面必须知道并能够应用的。这是这 个课程系列中的第四本笔记。
EQUIP® : Notebook 4 BEE World English The EQUIP® international curriculum consists of Biblical principles that we believe are timeless and universal. In each notebook, there are six lessons devoted to three areas that are crucial to leadership development: 1) Spiritual Formation: Integrity, Ethics, Humility, Motives, Core Values 2) Skill Formation: Developing People, Communication, Team Building, Problem Solving 3) Strategic Formation: Effective Planning, Priorities, Vision Notebook 4 Lessons The Life Your Were Meant to Live How Leaders Pray Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts I Like Your Style How to Grow a Leader Characteristics of a Giant Killer
إعداد القادة 5 BEE World Arabic
装备®:笔记五 BEE World Chinese 装备这门课包含我们相信是永恒和普遍的圣 原则。这些笔记本是基督徒领导力的基础 每一本笔记都讲到一些关于领导力的关键方 面。每一个基督徒带领者若要有效地带领, 这些方面必须知道并能够应用的。这是这 个课程系列中的第五本笔记。
EQUIP® : Notebook 5 BEE World English The EQUIP® international curriculum consists of Biblical principles that we believe are timeless and universal. In each notebook, there are six lessons devoted to three areas that are crucial to leadership development: 1) Spiritual Formation: Integrity, Ethics, Humility, Motives, Core Values 2) Skill Formation: Developing People, Communication, Team Building, Problem Solving 3) Strategic Formation: Effective Planning, Priorities, Vision Notebook 5 Lessons The Foundation of Our Leadership Leadership is Stewardship Leading Different Personalities Principles for Getting the Job Done The Power of Partnership Your Decision Determines Your Destiny
إعداد القادة 6 BEE World Arabic
装备®:笔记六 BEE World Chinese 装备这门课包含我们相信是永恒和普遍的圣 原则。这些笔记本是基督徒领导力的基础 每一本笔记都讲到一些关于领导力的关键方 面。每一个基督徒带领者若要有效地带领, 这些方面必须知道并能够应用的。这是这 个课程系列中的第六本笔记。
EQUIP® : Notebook 6 BEE World English The EQUIP® international curriculum consists of Biblical principles that we believe are timeless and universal. In each notebook, there are six lessons devoted to three areas that are crucial to leadership development: 1) Spiritual Formation: Integrity, Ethics, Humility, Motives, Core Values 2) Skill Formation: Developing People, Communication, Team Building, Problem Solving 3) Strategic Formation: Effective Planning, Priorities, Vision Notebook 6 Lessons Today Matters- Leadership and Personal Growth Leadership and Credibility - Making the Tough Call Time-Tick, Tock, Manage the Clock Leadership and Relationships - They Make Me or Break Me The Leaders as a Coach - Building an Effective Team The Ultimate Purpose of Leadership
Advanced Studies in the New Testament BEE World English This course looks at the New Testament of the Bible. We start by studying Christ's ministry and then by looking at the early church and apostles.
Advanced Studies in the Old Testament, Volume 2 BEE World English This is the second of two courses that provide a framework for the big picture of the Old Testament (OT), examine each OT book individually, emphasize major themes, and point out relationships between the books. We will also study the nations that affected Israel, a biblical theology of the Old Testament, and the chronology of Israel's history.
التلمذة الفردية BEE World Arabic يهدف مساق التلمذة الفردية إلى تشجيع مبدأ المضاعفة أي لمساعدتك في اتجاه تحقيق أمر الرب في صُنع تلاميذ! ويستعرض بعض الخطوات العملية في هذا الاتجاه.
One To One BEE World English This course is designed as a basic discipleship course for new believers. Here you will learn what you need to get going in the Christian life.
Môn Đồ Hóa Từng Người BEE World Vietnamese
Advanced Studies in the Old Testament, Volume 1 BEE World English This is the first of two courses that provide a framework for the big picture of the Old Testament (OT), examine each OT book individually, emphasize major themes, and point out relationships between the books. We will also study the nations that affected Israel, a biblical theology of the Old Testament, and the chronology of Israel's history.
Preaching God's Word BEE World English This practical course will equip you to prepare and deliver sermons that are faithful to Scripture and relevant to your audience.
Worshipping God in the Psalms BEE World English In the Psalms we come the closest to discovering what intimate fellowship with the living God really means and what it is to truly worship Him. We trust that your life will be significantly impacted by what you learn and experience through this study, for there is nothing more important that you will ever do than learning to worship the Lord God, our Creator and our Redeemer.
罗马书及加拉太书 BEE World Chinese 在这个15个交互式课程的教程中,你将学习 约圣经中最重要的两本书。在新约中,它们 最清晰完整地阐述了恩典、救恩以及基督徒 活的教义。
Romanos y Gálatas BEE World Spanish En este curso usted estudiará las cartas de Pablo a los Gálatas y a los Romanos. Usted mirará a sus trasfondos históricos y revisará los asuntos teológicos esenciales que han tenido que tratar en la iglesia primitiva.
Thơ Rôma Và Galati BEE World Vietnamese The Romans and Galatians course in Vietnamese.
Romans, Abridged Edition BEE World English In this course you will study Paul's letter to the Romans. We strongly recommend the study of Galatians as a prerequisite to this course because Paul, who is the author of both epistles, is researched in depth. Also, both epistles deal with the same theme from different point of view. You will look at the background of Romans and examine the important theological issues to Christianity. You will also gain new insights into Christian life and service as you apply the teaching of this epistle to contemporary situations.
Romains, édition abrégée BEE World French Dans ce cours, vous allez étudier la lettre de Paul aux Romains. Nous vous recommandons fortement l’étude de Galates avant de faire ce cours sur Romains, car Paul, qui est l’auteur des deux épîtres, approfondit dans l’une ce qu’il a commencé dans l’autre.
رومية BEE World Arabic ستبدأ دراسة أحد أهم أسفار العهد الجديد - الرسالة إلى رومية، وهي تحفة بولس الفنية. وقد كان لهذه الرسالة تأثير هائل على تاريخ الكنيسة. وكانت هذه الرسالة وثيقة محورية للإصلاح البروتستانتي. وقد تأثر بهذا السفر كل من مارتن لوثر وجون ويسلي تأثراً عميقاً ووجدا المسيح من خلال صفحاته. تشكل رومية ملخص بولس للتعليم المسيحي. ولا يوجد أي بيان عقيدي لعقائد النعمة أكثر أهمية مما تتضمنه هذه الرسالة.
罗马书 BEE World Chinese 在本课程中,你将学习保罗写给罗马基督徒 书信内容,关注相关的历史背景,并考查 马早期教会面临的重大神学问题。你将更好 地了解使徒保罗的生活、品格以及他的服侍 在现实生活中应用罗马书的教导,你将会 基督徒的生活以及服侍产生新的领悟。
Romans BEE World English This course studies Paul's letter to the Romans. The material in this course is adapted from Romans and Galatians.
Revelation BEE World English In this course you will study Revelation chapter by chapter. God wants us to hear and understand His message in order to live expectantly for the return of Christ and receive the rewards for our obedience.
دراسة الكتاب المقدس BEE World Arabic ستتعلم في هذا المساق الوسائل الفعالة والمختبرة تاريخيا لدراسة الكتاب المقدس وكما يتم تعليمها في جامعات وكليات لاهوت عديدة. باستخدام اسلوب استنياطي، ستتعلم كيفية ملاحظة وتفسير وتطبيق النصوص المقدسة على الحياة الشخصية وذلك من خلال تمارين عملية.
查考圣经 BEE World Chinese 本课程教覆盖久经许多研习班和圣经学校验 的研经技巧。用演绎的方法,你可以学习 察,解释圣经,并通过一系列实践把真理应 用于日常生活。
Studying the Bible BEE World English This course will teach you the time-tested techniques of studying the Bible as taught in many seminaries and Bible schools. Using an inductive approach, you will learn how to observe, interpret, and apply Scripture to your daily life through a series of practical exercises.
Học Kinh Thánh BEE World Vietnamese Giáo trình này hướng dẫn bạn những kỹ thuật nghiên cứu Kinh Thánh đã được thử nghiệm qua thời gian đúng như cách được dạy trong nhiều chủng viện và trường Kinh Thánh. Sử dụng phương pháp quy nạp, bạn sẽ học cách quan sát, giải nghĩa, áp dụng kinh Thánh qua một loạt bài tập thực tế.
Studying the Bible, Abridged Edition BEE World English This abridged course guides you through the basic steps of Bible study. Through this course, you will learn the skills needed for a lifetime of fruitful Bible study.
Étudier la Bible, édition abrégée BEE World French Lorsque vous vous asseyez pour étudier la Bible, par quoi commencez-vous ? Éprouvez-vous des difficultés à découvrir dans les Écritures les « trésors cachés » que Salomon nous exhorte à rechercher dans Proverbes 2.1-5 ? Comme de nombreux chrétiens, peut-être désirez-vous être un bon étudiant de la Parole de Dieu, mais vous manquez d’expérience pour chercher ces « trésors cachés ».
You Can Tell It! BEE World English A Seminar in Personal Evangelism

Study Programs


Abridged Course Study - Personal Development OnlyPrint
Last Updated 2015-10-08

Description Each course in this study program is based off of BEE World's full version of the same course. These courses have less reading material and fewer questions to answer, but still cover the main objectives of the course.
Language English
Required Courses 0
Electives 0
Student Notes Other courses will be added to this program as they become available. Upcoming courses are:
Christian Life, Abridged Edition
Church Dynamics, Abridged Edition
One to One, Abridged Edition
Courses Galatians, Abridged Edition
Online Facilitation

Level 1: Practical Ministry - Personal Development OnlyPrint
Last Updated 2013-08-08

Description 1st Level program for BEE World students
Language English
Required Courses 7
Electives 1
Student Notes Recommended sequence of courses:

One to One
Romans and Galatians, Second Edition
Studying the Bible
The Christian Life
Marriage: Where God Builds Two Hearts a Home
Christian Family
Becoming a Facilitator (Essential Skills)
Equip Notebook 1 - 6 (Elective)

(*) These courses are not yet available on IBS.
Courses Becoming a Facilitator
In-Person Facilitation,Online Facilitation
Christian Family
Online Facilitation,In-Person Facilitation
In-Person Facilitation,Online Facilitation
Marriage: Where God Builds Two Hearts a Home
In-Person Facilitation,Online Facilitation
One To One
Online Facilitation,In-Person Facilitation
Romans & Galatians, Second Edition
In-Person Facilitation,Online Facilitation
Studying the Bible
Online Facilitation,In-Person Facilitation
The Christian Life
In-Person Facilitation,Online Facilitation
EQUIP® : Notebook 1
Independent Study,Online Facilitation,In-Person Facilitation
EQUIP® : Notebook 2
In-Person Facilitation,Independent Study,Online Facilitation
EQUIP® : Notebook 3
Independent Study,Online Facilitation,In-Person Facilitation
EQUIP® : Notebook 4
In-Person Facilitation,Independent Study,Online Facilitation
EQUIP® : Notebook 5
In-Person Facilitation,Independent Study,Online Facilitation
EQUIP® : Notebook 6
Online Facilitation,In-Person Facilitation,Independent Study

Level 2: Church Leadership - Personal Development OnlyPrint
Last Updated 2013-08-08

Description 2nd Level program for BEE World students
Language English
Required Courses 7
Electives 1
Student Notes Recommended sequence of courses:

Church Dynamics
Preaching / Teaching (*)
Life of Christ, Volume 1
Life of Christ, Volume 2
Missions (*)
Doctrine 1
Doctrine 2
How to Set Up a CBTC (*) (Essential Skill)

(*) These courses are not yet available on IBS.
Courses Church Dynamics
In-Person Facilitation,Online Facilitation
Doctrine 1
Online Facilitation,In-Person Facilitation
Doctrine 2
In-Person Facilitation,Online Facilitation
Life of Christ 1
Online Facilitation,In-Person Facilitation
Life of Christ 2
In-Person Facilitation,Online Facilitation

Level 3: Biblical Studies - Personal Development OnlyPrint
Last Updated 2013-08-08

Description 3rd Level Program for BEE World Students
Language English
Required Courses 8
Electives 1
Student Notes Recommended sequence of courses:

Advanced Studies in the Old Testament, Volume 1
Advanced Studies in the Old Testament, Volume 2
Worshiping God in the Psalms
Daniel (*)
Advanced Studies in the New Testament
The Epistle to the Hebrews
True Spirituality: A Study of 1st Corinthians
Revelation (*)
How to Write a BEE Course (*) (Essential Skill)

(*) These courses are not yet available on IBS.
Courses Advanced Studies in the New Testament
In-Person Facilitation,Online Facilitation
Advanced Studies in the Old Testament, Volume 1
In-Person Facilitation,Online Facilitation
Advanced Studies in the Old Testament, Volume 2
In-Person Facilitation,Online Facilitation
The Epistle to the Hebrews
In-Person Facilitation,Online Facilitation
True Spirituality: A Study of 1 Corinthians
In-Person Facilitation,Online Facilitation
Worshipping God in the Psalms
In-Person Facilitation,Online Facilitation
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