Internet Biblical Seminary Internet Biblical Seminary
Discipleship Training to Reach the World for Christ



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Support IBS

IBS is a faith-based ministry outreach that exists through generous contributions from people like you. Your support is needed to fund the joint work of staff and volunteers to create and run this site and provide the materials you find here.

The IBS team thanks you for prayerfully considering your ability to contribute and for the impact your giving will have on fulfilling the Great Commission to the nations.

Contribute by Mail

Send check or money order payable to Internet Biblical Seminary directly to:

Internet Biblical Seminary
990 Pinon Ranch View, Suite 100
Colorado Springs CO 80907

Please write "IBS Project" on the memo line of your check or money order.

Contribute Time and Talent

Christ established the Church to work together to do God's will in the world. We look to you, the Body of Christ, to help us develop the web application and course development tools that IBS offers to help fulfill the Great Commission. If you have an interest in serving in any of the capacities listed below, please contact us.

  • Language-Specific Website Translators - translate website and/or graphics into appropriate language and context for intended audiences.
  • Web / Mobile App Software Developers - improve the IBS application and course development tools - web, Android, iOS and hybrid platforms.
  • Web / Mobile App Software Tester - assure the IBS application delivers a high-quality experience for all users.
  • Language-Specific IBS Help Desk Administrators - provide assistance to those using IBS in their native languages; assist in translating IBS user manuals and help desk articles.