Internet Biblical Seminary Internet Biblical Seminary
Discipleship Training to Reach the World for Christ



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Key Attributes

"And what you have heard me say . . . entrust to faithful people who will be competent to teach others as well." - 2 Timothy 2:2

Discipleship Training through the Internet Biblical Seminary is :

  • - Personal
  • - Strategic
  • - Worthwhile

Personal: IBS is people training people via

Relational Mentoring
builds disciples through ongoing contact and personal relationships with caring and competent course facilitators and accountability partners as modeled by Jesus Christ --- enabled online or in person.
Church-based Training
allows students to study while they live in the context of their local church and personal sphere of influence - deriving support from and accountability to the local body of believers

Strategic: IBS maximizes resources through

Multi-Media Delivery
meets and reaches believers worldwide with the same training regardless of language, cultural context, or technology base via Internet, downloadable interactive courses for offline use, and print.
Ministry Partnership
provides a neutral platform to leverage the collective expertise in the Body of Christ to create course content, design culturally-relevant learning experiences, support language translation, establish training centers in new regions, and facilitate training
Transferable Curriculum
enables national students to quickly become competent teachers. Courses are specifically designed to be self-contained and easy-to-lead in the national context so students develop confidence in their ability to emulate their teachers and become facilitators themselves.
reproduces the training pattern established by the Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 2:2 to rapidly accelerate church growth.


Interactive Study Method
develops reasoning and critical thinking skills by integrating probing questions and interactive dialog throughout the learning process following the Socratic method
High Quality Courses
lay a foundation for the various tasks of Christian leadership development in any region of the world.
Holistic Educational Model
equips the whole person with knowledge, personal character, and ministry skills to deepen their relationship with Jesus and the Church and their desire and ability to join Him in the purpose of the Great Commission to "baptize and make disciples" in every nation.