Internet Biblical Seminary Internet Biblical Seminary
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Galatians & Romans - Personal Development OnlyPrint
Last Updated 2020-09-12

Description ABG Sunday Bible Study for Sept. 2020 to April 2021
Language English
Required Courses 1
Electives 1
Student Notes
Courses fail -- SELECT course_id, course_name, course_code, course_tlc, tbl_language.language_tlc, spc_mandatory, group_concat(concat('$study_type_',tbl_studytype.stype_abbrev)) as stype_name, (select count(*) FROM tbl_pb_course_formats pcf, tbl_ac_sales_materials asm WHERE pcf.cf_course_id = course_id AND asm.cf_id = pcf.cf_id AND asm.ac_mcid = 304 and sp_id=38) num_sales_items FROM tbl_studyplan_courses, tbl_studyplan_class_types, tbl_language as tbl_langST, tbl_studytype, tbl_courses, tbl_language WHERE spc_spid = 38 and spc_crsid = course_id and tbl_language.language_id = course_langid and tbl_studyplan_class_types.spct_crsid = tbl_studyplan_courses.spc_crsid and tbl_studyplan_class_types.spct_spid = tbl_studyplan_courses.spc_spid and tbl_studytype.stype_abbrev = tbl_studyplan_class_types.spct_stype_abbrev and tbl_langST.language_tlc = 'en' and tbl_studytype.stype_langid = tbl_langST.language_id GROUP BY course_id ORDER BY spc_mandatory desc, course_name asc
SELECT tbl_studyplans.*, tbl_language.language_iname FROM tbl_studyplans, tbl_language WHERE tbl_language.language_id = sp_lang_id AND sp_mcid = 304 and sp_id=38 AND sp_status = 'PUBLISHED' ORDER BY sp_name157