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Certificate in Practical Ministry - CertificationPrint
Last Updated 2016-11-28

Description The Certificate in Practical Ministry curriculum is designed for the acquisition of character and ministry skill. For achievement of first level certificate and to advance, student must thoroughly understand the implications of the Gospel in their marriages and families, have begun the life-long practice of spiritual discipline, know how to study the Bible, be able to facilitate a discipleship group, and have implemented plans to bring his family relationships into increasing harmony with Scriptural principles.
Language English
Required Courses 10
Electives 0
Student Notes
Courses fail -- SELECT course_id, course_name, course_code, course_tlc, tbl_language.language_tlc, spc_mandatory, group_concat(concat('$study_type_',tbl_studytype.stype_abbrev)) as stype_name, (select count(*) FROM tbl_pb_course_formats pcf, tbl_ac_sales_materials asm WHERE pcf.cf_course_id = course_id AND asm.cf_id = pcf.cf_id AND asm.ac_mcid = 252 and sp_id=34) num_sales_items FROM tbl_studyplan_courses, tbl_studyplan_class_types, tbl_language as tbl_langST, tbl_studytype, tbl_courses, tbl_language WHERE spc_spid = 34 and spc_crsid = course_id and tbl_language.language_id = course_langid and tbl_studyplan_class_types.spct_crsid = tbl_studyplan_courses.spc_crsid and tbl_studyplan_class_types.spct_spid = tbl_studyplan_courses.spc_spid and tbl_studytype.stype_abbrev = tbl_studyplan_class_types.spct_stype_abbrev and tbl_langST.language_tlc = 'en' and tbl_studytype.stype_langid = tbl_langST.language_id GROUP BY course_id ORDER BY spc_mandatory desc, course_name asc
SELECT tbl_studyplans.*, tbl_language.language_iname FROM tbl_studyplans, tbl_language WHERE tbl_language.language_id = sp_lang_id AND sp_mcid = 252 and sp_id=34 AND sp_status = 'PUBLISHED' ORDER BY sp_name157